Over the years Leith may have seen a steady stream of its population relocate across the world but Leithers hearts are anchored to their memories of school days, family and friends in the port. The adage Once a Leither, always a Leither trips off the tongue for the sons and daughters of Leith whether they live in EH6 or on the other side of the world.
Leith 1924 is an astounding set of photographic images of the people and streets of Leith saved and preserved by the efforts of many individuals. They provide us with a unique window into Leith’s past. These images allow us to look into the eyes of the people of Leith as they stand beside the buildings and streets where they lived. Regardless of the gritty and challenging conditions of the time Leith was their world where they played, worked, raised families and left their own mark when they passed.
This Leith 1924 magazine is dedicated to the people of Leith who faced the challenges of unemployment, poor housing, low wages and poverty – a community that persevered. It is also dedicated to those who have worked to keep Leith’s memories, history and culture alive: to those who have ensured that we have a record today of the past times which would otherwise have been lost.