It’s beginning to look a bit like Christmas…

We’re now in December so The Wee Museum of Memory is getting ready for Christmas with trees, tinsel and presents…

This week we had a visit from a group of lottery jackpot winners organised by Camelot, who brought us a new tree, decorations, presents and hampers for some of our regular users. Due to concerns about the new Covid varient, we decided not to hold a party as we had planned, so will give out the hampers individually. We’re sure that they will still be much enjoyed. May was delighted with her one yesterday.

Jackpot winners with some staff and volunteers.
Hamper with festive treats.

Kermit has been having a look at some of the presents under the tree and wondering if there is one for him…Maybe one of them might be a selection box or a Beano album? We’ve been sharing memories of our childhood Christmases with visitors: treats, family rituals, favourite foods…

Kermit with our new Christmas tree.

Some of our visitors have added their memories to our Christmas Memory Tree… ‘Dressing the tree and eating Christmas lunch together and then showing Granny my presents from Santa.’; ‘Making trifle on Christmas Eve with my dad and eating all the sponge fingers!’ ‘ Leaving my dad’s long woolly scout sock at the side of my bed. Having a good feel of it in the morning before starting to empty it. Always had a pack of chocolate cigaretts, a mandarin and a threepenny bit among other things.’ ‘Kids wanting to get up at 4.00 as Santa had been…LOL.’

There’s still room on the tree for your memories if you are passing.

Christmas Memory tree.

We are also pleased to have two new members of staff working on cataloguing our collection of objects: Louise and Naomi. This is going to be a mammoth task, as regulars will know our museum is packed with donations. Louise started earlier this year to help co-ordinate our application process for museum accreditation and Naomi started last month as part of the Government Kickstarter programme. Welcome and good luck!

Naomi and Louise starting work on our collections.