There’s always something happening…

The LMA/Wee Museum of Memory is an eclectic organisation. We function as a wee museum developing our collections and policies in order to achieve museum accreditation status. But that is only a small part of our work and outreach.

Alan’s printing art

Our team organise the ‘Wee Hubs’: the Wee Play Hub is located in the other half of the Wee Museum of Memory and the Wee Hub 2 is upstairs, on the second floor of OT. These spaces are used by us, and by a variety of other community groups, offering a diverse range of activities and workshops. From upcycling furniture by Bethany Christian Trust, Latin Dance classes by LACAE, to Inspiring Leith running English conversation classes and messy play/art/craft sessions in the Wee Play Hub. There is always something happening for children and adults.

Crafting table

These sessions would not run without the commitment and energy of the organisers of the activities. Raksha, Ibra and Alan are full of ideas to engage young children, and their adult companions, in art and craft. Painting, sticking, collages, printing…lots to try. These run on Wednesday morning and afternoon, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings. They are free to attend and no need to book.

On Friday afternoons, Jacquy has a story telling session, from 2.00 to 2.30 pm. A time for a quieter activity, the children sit on the floor when she rings her bell and listen to her lovely gentle stories.

Story time

Kenneth runs a Lego club in the Wee Play hub. Behind the scenes all the bits and pieces of Lego are stored away, but come Saturday afternoon they all come out. Like all the activites, it is free to drop in. Come along and join in the model making.

Lego creations

Up in the Wee Hub 2, Bethany Christian Trust run drop-in upcycling furniture, From 1-2.30 on Tuesday afternoon they take unloved and discarded furniture to clean, repair and redesign into usable and functional furnishings. The Latin Dance run by LACAE on Thursdays, has a teens session from 6.00-7.00 pm and a Salsa fundamentals session from 7.00-8.00pm. Again these are free and no need to book.

We are grateful to all those organisations and volunteers who run the sessions, and to our team of Delphine, Caroline, Heather and Barry who organise the weekly calendar.